There are many ways that your organization's vital computing hardware can break. In fact, many times it seems like all computer components are built to fail. Homepage Computer Services's comprehensive computer and IT repair services can fix about any PC-related issue your company has.
Servers, workstations, firewalls, switches, routers, printers, monitors, and other pieces of your company's IT infrastructure all have one thing in common: Ultimately, they all will fail. When a piece of hardware is no longer useful, we make a concerted effort to fix it or be in the position to replace it quickly.
In order to maximize productivity, your organization needs to keep their IT assets up and running. Our technicians specialize in the prompt repair of all types of IT hardware , peripherals, and accessories. In this way, we offer a solution to situations that occur that threaten your organization's ability to perform at full capacity.
It's important to understand the negative effect downtime has on your bottom line. This is the formula we use to explain how much your organization is actually losing for every minute of downtime.
Productivity Loss Formula
P=(Number of user affected) x (% of productivity loss) x (duration of downtime)
Revenue Loss Formula
R=(Number of user affected) x (average profit per employee per hour) x (duration of downtime)
Overall Loss Due to Downtime
When you're computer slows down, you get less done. Whether it 's because of a malware infection, antiquated hardware, or simply software that takes up too many of your system's resources, our technicians will find a solution that will get your computer working like new.
At Homepage Computer Services we thrive on presenting value to our clients. Our break-fix IT repair services are no different. From your company's server to the newest mobile devices, our technicians will find the solution to keep your organization's IT from working against you.
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